[活動公告]11/1(三) 情境旅遊活動 疾速前進-世界大挑戰

  • 2017-10-16

2017亞洲大學      英文週系列活動

2017 Asia University  English Week Series


Amazing Race – World Challenge

情境旅遊活動Situated Travel Activity

日期Date: Wed., Nov. 1st

時間Time : 15:00-17:00

地點 Location : 管理大樓Management Building  

  • 主題英語闖關遊戲Theme Tournaments


關卡一 美國USA


關卡二 紐西蘭New Zealand


關卡三 加拿大Canada


關卡四 韓國Korea


關卡五 印尼Indonesia

  • 關卡位置設置於管理大樓地下一樓至二樓,報到處於管理大樓穿堂(羅馬柱),請依當天拿到的闖關地圖為主、進行闖關遊戲。

Each location is set in the Management Building (from the basement, 1st floor to 2nd floor). The registration table is located at the entrance (facing the Administration Building). Participants sign-up at the registration table and will receive a map, then each participant has to go to each location on the map in order to complete the race.


  • 全部闖關成功後可獲得可口餐點乙份(數量有限,換完為止)

Collect all five stamps and you can get a free dessert. (For the first 200 students)  


主辦單位:語文教學研究發展中心 - 多元文化語境之英文學習革新課程計畫

Organizer: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research

        MOE General English Curriculum and Pedagogy Reform Project



Co-organizer: Office for Teaching Excellence