[演講公告] 6/13(三) 15:10-17:00 《讓天涯若比鄰 邂逅在世界轉角 --- 多語達人Terry結交外國朋友的秘訣》

  • 2018-04-18

《讓天涯若比鄰 邂逅在世界轉角

                     --- 多語達人Terry結交外國朋友的秘訣》

Surviving the Era of Meetup

                               --- The Secret of Making International Friends


講者/ Speaker:謝智翔 Terry Hsieh




日期/ Date:6/13()  Wed., Jun. 13th

時間/ Time:15:10-17:00   

地點/ Venue:M001



This lecture has applied for credits for a General Education Seminar, please bring your student ID card to enter the lecture.



Organizers: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research

                    MOE General English Curriculum and Pedagogy Reform Project