[比賽公告] 2024 英文海報競賽 即日起開放報名!!

英文海報競賽 English Poster Design Contest
- My Dream Club at School -


 參賽資格 Qualifications

亞洲大學大學部修習通識英文課程學生 Undergraduate students of EGP and EGSP Courses 

 比賽主題 Contest Theme

My Dream Club at School

 重要日程 Important Dates

 徵稿日期 Call for Works:2/26 (一)~4/26 (五)下午五時
 公布結果 Result Announcement::5/10 (五)
 頒獎典禮 Award Ceremony:5/15 (三) 

 比賽規定 Regulations

  1. 比賽分為國際組(含外文系、修習通識英文境外生及大一通識英文AU1、AU2學生與大二EGSP高級班,建議多益600分以上報名)與國內組(大一通識英文AU3-AU5、大二EGSP中級班學生) 
    The contest contains two groups: 1. International group (DFLL students, international students taking General English or EGSP courses, General English AU1&AU2 level students and EGSP – Advanced level students) and 2. Local group (General English AU3, AU4 and AU5 level students and EGSP – Intermediate level students). Students who got a TOEIC score over 600 should join International group.
  2. 海報內容可根據參賽者實際參與社團的經驗或希望參與社團的想像設計。
    Poster content design can be based on participants’actual experience in joining a club or their imagination of participating in their dream club.
  3. 海報可介紹該社團的成員、例行活動、聚會方式、所參與的比賽等與社團相關的訊息。
    Poster content should describe information related to the club, such as its members, regular activities, meeting methods, participation in competitions, and other relevant details. 
  4. 設計概念以英文撰寫:120-150字(國內組)/ 150-180字(國際組),並以海報尺寸為單面A4 (29.7cm*21.0cm)的PDF檔案或JPG檔案繳交。
    The illustrations and the 120-150 words (local group)/150-180 words (international group) description has to be presented in an one-side A4 (29.7cm*21.0cm) size page and be submitted as a PDF or a JPG file. 
  5. 代表社團的特色圖片可係(1)手繪、(2)電腦繪圖、(3)原創照片(可修圖)呈現、(4)手作成品(須以照片呈現)。
    For the required illustrations and the background, you may use either a) free-hand drawing, b) digital drawing, c) photo (can be modified), d) craft art (should be presented in photo), which should be created or taken by yourself. 
  6. 出現於海報的圖片、海報背景及介紹內容皆需原創,如使用生成式AI生成圖片,須註明於作品上。
    The illustrations and the introduction must be original. If participants use GenAI to create their illustrations or the background, they must state in the poster.  
  7. 請於作品右下角務必註明「2024 English Poster Design Contest」。
    At the right bottom corner, please include the following words: “2024 English Poster Design Contest.”
  8. 採個人競賽,一人限報名一件作品。
    This is an individual contest; each student can submit only one work. 
  9. 通識英文課程教師得推薦每班最多5名同學參賽。
    EGP and EGSP Instructors can recommend up to 5 students per class to register the contest.

 採網路報名,步驟如下 Online Registration, please follow the following steps

  1. 由語發中心網頁(http://cltr.asia.edu.tw)至線上報名連結填寫參賽資料(需google帳戶登入)
    Go to the registration link and fill in register information. (you need to log in with your google account) 
  2. 於報名頁面雲端上傳檔案。(檔名: 學號+姓名)
    Submit your completed poster to the link. (Filename: Student ID + Name)

報名連結 Registration Linkhttps://reurl.cc/K4Olre        


 注意事項 Notification

  1. 本比賽為EFL比賽,如母語為英文之學生,則不符合參賽資格,無法參加比賽。
    Since this is an EFL contest and the focus is to motivate students who live in countries where English is a foreign language, if participants come from a country where one of the official languages is English (or the participant has a passport from a country where English is an official language), that student cannot participate in the contest.
  2. 參賽者於參加此競賽同時,即同意接受上述各項規範,本活動辦法若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保有隨時修改、變更之權利並公告於中心網站上。若遇爭議,經本活動評審團會議決議,逕由主辦單位公告實施。
    If there is any dispute regarding the regulations, the judges will have a meeting for resolution, and the decisions and revised regulations will be announced by the organizer online. 
  3. 如於審查期間,發現圖或文抄襲他人作品,即取消比賽資格。
    If the judges find either the content or the image is plagiarized, the work will be disqualified. 
  4. 若得獎者經主辦單位發現有圖或文抄襲之嫌,即取消得獎資格並收回獎金。
    If the organizer finds any winning work is plagiarized, participants’ award will be canceled and prizes will be recovered. 
  5. 如經審查發現內容涉及侵害他人名譽,或包含色情、暴力或有礙社會風氣之圖像或文字,主辦單位有權終止該作品參賽權。
    If the judges find the content harms another’s reputation or contains any disturbing images (violence, nudity, or sexual content), the work will be disqualified.  
  6. 請參賽者注意比賽規定,如在比賽期間繳交之作品不符規定,將無法進入評選。
    Contestant please be careful with the contest regulations. If the work does not follow the regulations, the work won’t be accepted to the final round.

評分標準 Criteria

項目 Item  說明 Description 占比 Percentage
English composition ability  
Accuracy of English writing
Creativity shown in the poster
Overall presentation
Coordination and correlation between the image and the introduction; Image's quality

 獎勵辦法 Prizes

Each Group will have 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize and 5 outstanding awards.
第一名:獎金 1,200 元,獎狀乙紙
。First prize: NT$ 1,200 & certificate. 
第二名:獎金 1,000 元,獎狀乙。Second prize: NT$ 1,000 & certificate.
第三名:獎金  800 元,獎狀乙。Third prize: NT$ 800 & certificate.
佳作(五名):獎金 300 元,獎狀乙。Outstanding awards (5 people): NT$300 & certificate
If there are questions, ask CDLTR staff at M201 in person.

Organizer: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research 
Co-organizer: MOE Office of Higher Education Sprout Project, The BEST Program