[比賽公告] 05/25 (Fri.) 2018 英語話劇比賽 2018 English Theater Drama Contest

  • 2018-03-29

2018 English Theater Drama Contest

106學年度第2學期    英語話劇比賽

一、報名期限/Registration: 即日起至5/16()繳交報名表、改編劇本及切結書到語發中心 (M204),於5/18()公告比賽順序。

Please submit the registration form, script and declaration to CDLTR (M204) by 5pm, Wed. ,May 16th. The order of the contest will be announced on May 18th on CDLTR official website.

二、比賽日期/Date of contest: Fri., May 25th, 2018

三、比賽時間/Time: 08:30-12:00

四、地點/Venue: M001

五、表演主題/Topics: 通識英文讀本相關故事或其它著名故事改編 Adaptation of stories introduced in General English readers or other well-known stories

六、比賽辦法 Regulations:

  1. 採分組競賽,3人到8人為一組參賽。 Group contest, each group consists of 3-8 people.
  2. 可從通識課程已上過的讀本故事(附件一)或其它著名故事編寫劇本,劇本需為全英文且每位演員皆有台詞,不得加入不雅台詞及暴力動作或全部以歌詞取代台詞。The organizer suggests participants adapt stories of General English readers, listed in Appendix 1, or other well-known stories for scripts. The script should be in English and each character has lines. Please do not include swear and curse words, dirty language, violence in the script. If there are songs in the script, lyrics must be performed by players on stage and please do not replace most of the conversation into lyrics.
  3. 請提供演員名單劇情摘要(100-150字左右)演出劇本切結書一份,需列出參考故事及使用歌曲(相關格式請參閱附件二,請勿自行設計,若未依規定格式及要求者,扣其總分五分)。Please submit 1 copy of a group member list , a 100-150 word synopsis, the script and declaration to the CDLTR. It is required to list references of songs and stories adapted to the script. Follow the format provided by the CDLTR(shown in Appendix 2, any group which fails to use the proper format will be deducted 5 points.)
  4. 各組須在指定時間報到,表演時間為七分鐘到八分鐘,所有換幕時間(包含進退場)一律計算在其時間內。七分鐘到,響鈴一次;八分響鈴二次;超過八分鐘演出將被中止,由主持人引領下台,不到7分鐘或超過8分鐘,則扣五分。。Each group should report at the scheduled time and the performance should last 7 to 8 minutes. Points will be deducted if the performance does not reach/end within the time limit. The bell will ring one time when the performance reaches the 7 minute mark. The bell will ring twice at 8 minute mark, the host will end the performance and ask the group to leave the stage. If the performance is under 7 minute or over 8 minute, the group will be deducted 5 points.
  5. 請以組為單位填寫紙本報名表,於截止日期前繳交至語文教學研究發展中心M204辦公室。Each group has to submit a registration form to CDLTR (M204) before the registration deadline.



  1. 本比賽為EFL學生比賽,如隊員中包含母語為英文之參賽者,則不符合參賽資格,無法參加比賽。

Since this is an EFL contest and the focus is to motivate students who live in countries where English is a foreign language, if participants come from a country where one of the official languages is English (or the participant has a passport from a country where English is an official language), that student cannot participate in the contest.

  1. 參賽者於參加此競賽同時,即同意接受上述各項規範,本活動辦法若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保有隨時修改、變更之權利並公告於活動網站上。若遇爭議,經本活動評審團會議決議,逕由主辦單位公告實施。

If there is any dispute regarding the regulations, the competition judges will have a meeting for resolution, and the results will be announced on website and implemented by the organizer.

  1. 參賽者可準備道具上台,然各組表演前後都需把自行準備的佈景和大型道具一律自行帶來並於結束後帶離舞台。Groups are allowed props to bring onto the stage. However, all groups are responsible for bringing up and carrying down any props to and from the stage.
  2. 上下台準備時間都各給3分鐘準備以及收拾時間,若演出結束後仍有演員或道具在舞台上,則扣總分五分。各組表演結束離場時,所有道具必須立即搬離,不可置留於舞台兩側。3 minutes for a group to bring up and down the props. If go longer, the group will be deducted 5 points. All players and props cannot stay on stage once the performance ends.
  3. 各獎項如無適當受獎者,得從缺。If there are no qualified winners of certain prize, the organizer may cancel these prizes.


八、評分標準 Criteria

1.劇本及台詞(英文流暢度)30  English Accuracy (of script & lines)

2.舞臺技術(服裝及道具)20  Stagecraft (including costumes and props)

3.表演(動作及角色呈現)30  Expressive Aspects and Characterization

4.整體創意(劇本之獨創完整性 、表演之獨創完整性)20  Overall Creativity (the originality of the script and performance, etc.)




First prize: NT$ 5,000 & certificates.


Second prize: NT$ 3,000 & certificates.


Third prize: NT$ 1,000 & certificates.


Outstanding prizes (Three groups): NT$500 & certificates

最佳團隊默契獎 :每組500元獎金,各參賽者獎狀乙只。

Best Teamwork Prize: NT$500 & certificates

最佳服裝道具獎 :每組500元獎金,各參賽者獎狀乙只。

Best Costumes & Props Prize: NT$500 & certificates

最佳表演創意獎 :每組500元獎金,各參賽者獎狀乙只。

Most Creative Performance Prize: NT$500 & certificates

最佳劇本獎 :每組500元獎金,各參賽者獎狀乙只。

Best Script Prize: NT$500 & certificates


十、版權  Copyright

1. 承辦單位有權使用所有參賽隊伍之劇本、演出照片及錄像。

The organizers hold the rights to use the scripts, photos and recordings of participating groups.


**詳情請見語發中心網頁(http://cltr.asia.edu.tw) 及計畫網頁 (http://egc.asia.edu.tw)


More details about Theater Drama Contest are on CDLTR website (http://cltr.asia.edu.tw) & MOE project website (http://egc.asia.edu.tw). If you have any questions, please come to CDLTR offices M204 / M201 in person.



Organizer: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research


Co- organizer: MOE General English Curriculum and Pedagogy Reform Project