110-1学期 TOEIC/ TOEFL ITP校园考报名 (非大二毕业门槛考试)
测验地点:Test Location:亚洲大学
测验日期:Test Date & Time:(须提前30分钟入场)
多益TOEIC:2021/09/18 (Sat.) 13:30~16:00
报名费用Fee:多益(TOEIC):$1000 托福(TOEFL ITP):$1160
受理报名期间:Deadline for Registration:2021/07/30~2021/08/16
联络方式如下:(02) 2701-7333 / service@examservice.com.tw
Test Date: 2021/09/18(Sat.) 13:30-16:00
Test Venue: Asia University
Registration Period: 2021/07/30~2021/08/16
Registration Website: https://reurl.cc/R4a54G
Test Fees: TOEFL ITP : NT$1,160 ; TOEIC: NT$1,000
Organizer: ETS Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research,International College
Please refer to the admission form for the exact examination date and venue