姓名 陈淑娟
职称 语文教学研究发展中心中心主任
校内分机 6299、6272
电子信箱 cltr@asia.edu.tw
职掌 综理中心各项业务
学历 辅仁大学比较文学博士
年度 论文名称
2022 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、林孟炜(Mavise Lin)*, “In Search for Awareness of the Needs--- A Study of an ESP Intensive Program for Government Officials”, Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education, vol.12 no.1 pp.60-68, 2022
2021 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、刘秀莹(Hsiu-Ying LIU)*, "Void/Meaning: Female Narrative and Visual Reading in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Dictee", 景文学报, vol.30 no.2 pp.127-147, 2021
2019 施钰珺(Yu-Chun Shih)、陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)*, Can the Discreditable be an Advantage? Mental Illnesses as Metaphors on Rhetorical Usages for Language Teaching, Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education, vol.9 no.1 pp.31-43, 2019
2018 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)*、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Narrative Writing on New Immigrant Women: Perspective on Cultural Identity and Mother-Daughter Relationship, Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education, vol.8 no.2 pp.72-80, 2018
2017 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)*, “Diasporic Landscape of Women’s Poiesis: Zarina Bhimji’s Photography Love”〈女性诗学中的离散地景:敏菊摄影作品《爱》〉, 景文学报, vol.27 no.2 pp.105-124, 2017
2015 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、刘秀莹(Hsiu-Ying LIU)*、黄伟龄(Weiling Stephanie HUANG), 翻译教学之实作与举隅-浅谈超文本小说《波浪女孩》的翻译策略, 南台人文社会学报 no.14 pp.105-140, 2015
2012 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), Body, Space and Memory: The Construction of a Nomadic Other’s Subjectivity in Shu-Lea Cheang’s Internet Art”
2012 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黄伟龄(Weiling Stephanie HUANG), Self-Exploration of Sexual Identity in Hypertext— Narrative Strategies in Girl(s)’ Autobiography/ Pseudo-autobiography, 人文与社会学报, vol.2 no.10 pp.141-171, 2012
2012 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), “Before Seediq Bale: Representation of Taiwanese Aborigine’s Documentary Films (1984-2010)”, 朝阳人文学刊, vol.10 no.2 pp.65-98, 2012
2010 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黄伟龄(Weiling Stephanie HUANG)*、、, “Who am I?”: Identity and Self-representation of Asian Women Artists in Cyborgs”, 艺术论衡 no.3 pp.49-70, 2010
2010 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), “Can Trauma be healed?: Body Writing in Diasporic Korean and Vietnamese American Women Artists”, 国际文化研究, vol.6 no.2 pp.1-28, 2010
2008 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), 离散神话与西进女英雄再造—穆可杰《茉莉》的第三世界女性身体经验与变形意涵, 英美文学评论 no.12 pp.141-189, 2008
2008 简瑛瑛(简瑛瑛)、陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), <他者.创伤.再现:亚裔离散女性艺术家之历史记忆与身体书写>, 辅仁外语学报:语言学、文学、文化 no.5 pp.137-168, 2008
2003 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), 从科幻小说的发展历程探讨洪凌<水晶眼>中的科幻书写策略及意涵, CULTURAL STUDIES no.28, 2003
年度 书名
2021 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), Petits Recits of the Others --Life Writing and Displacement in Heterotopology of Asian Women, Kaun Tang International Publications Ltd. (冠唐国际图书), Dec. 2021
2013 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), Marginality and Identity: Reconstruct the Other in Visual Culture, 冠唐图书, Jan. 2013
发表日期 论文名称
2020.11 张嘉珍(Chia-Chen Chang)、陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), “Representation of the others in the Third Text ─Study on the Body Images of Southeast Asian Female Artists“ , 2020 International Conference on Humanity & Social Practice and Care for the Vulnerable People (2020年人文社会实践及弱势倡导关怀国际研讨会), Nov. 2020, Asia University, Taiwan
2020.11 邓喻文(Yu-Wen Teng)、陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), “In Research of the Female Images in The Epic of Gilgamesh“ , 2020 International Conference on Humanity & Social Practice and Care for the Vulnerable People (2020年人文社会实践及弱势倡导关怀国际研讨会), Nov. 2020, Asia University, Taiwan
2019.03 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), “New Immigrant Women’s Narrative and Identity on Picture Books and Graphic Memoirs: Manini’s Oblique Household Trilogy and Thi Bui’s The Best We Could Do” , 2019 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, Mar. 2019, Taiwan
2019.03 施钰珺(Yu-Chun Shih)、陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), “When the “Discreditables” Become an Advantage: Autism, Asperger, ADHD as Metaphors in Drama and Literature” , 2019 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, Mar. 2019, Taiwan
2018.07 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), "Transformation of Cultural Identity in Visual Art: Narrative Writings on New Immigrant Women in Taiwan" , International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), Jul. 2018, Tokyo, Japan
2017.07 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), International Seminar Language Maintenance and Shift (LAMAS ) 7, Jul. 2017, Semarang, Indonesia
2017.06 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Narrative Writing on New Immigrant Women: Perspective on Cultural Studies and Mother, Daughter Relationship - International Conference on Migration, Cultural Identity, Language and Communication 2017, Jun. 2017, Asia University, Taiwan
2017.06 刘秀莹(Hsiu-Ying LIU)、陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), <台湾女婿及第二代母语学习研究–以南亚裔为主> , International Conference on Migration, Cultural Identity, Language and Communication 2017, Jun. 2017, Asia University, Taiwan.
2016.05 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), 女性情慾旅行书写的主体建构, ---陈雪《只爱陌生人》及凯萨琳米雷《慾望巴黎》 - 2016年人文社会学院人文创新社会实践两岸及国际学术研讨会2016 Conference of Humanities Innovation and Social Practice in College of Humanities and Social Sciences, May. 2016, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
2014.06 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黄伟龄(Weiling Stephanie HUANG), Diasporic Landscape in Women Poiesis: Zarina Bhimji’s Photography Love , 2014数码典藏加值研讨会, Jun. 2014, 中兴大学人社院
2013.11 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、林孟炜(Mavise Lin), “In Searching for the Awareness of the Needs , --- A Study of an ESP Intensive Program for Government Officials” - 2013 International Conference on English for Specific Purposes, Nov. 2013, Taichung, Taiwan (Asia University)
2013.11 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、刘秀莹(Hsiu-Ying LIU)、黄伟龄(Weiling Stephanie HUANG), “Using ESP Approach in Reshuffling Translation Curriculum Design” , 2013 International Conference on English for Specific Purposes, Nov. 2013, Taichung, Taiwan (Asia University)
2013.05 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), “Taiwanese Women's Body Discourse and Narrative Epic of Space: The Overpass of Pleasure from Female Ghosts to Witches” , The Third Annual Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS), May. 2013, Osaka, Japan
2011.06 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黄伟龄(Weiling Stephanie HUANG), Self, Exploration of Sexual Identity in Hypertext—Narrative Strategies in Girl(s)’ Autobiography/Pseudo-autobiography - 2nd Annual Conference of Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand (POPCAANZ), Jun. 2011, Auckland, New Zealand
2011.05 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黄伟龄(Weiling Stephanie HUANG), 超文本中的性别自曝, -女孩(们)的自传/伪自传之叙述策略 - 第六届「外国文学教学」国际学术研讨会, May. 2011, 亚洲大学
2010.07 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黄伟龄(Weiling Stephanie HUANG), “Body Politics and Self, Identity on Cyborgs: Comparison among Asian Women Artists” - the 3rd Annual International Conference on Philology, Literatures and Linguistics, Jul. 2010, Athens, Greece
2009.12 <阅读人体风景, -洪素珍的身体流域> - 「移动与自书」:当代女性影像╱文学╱艺术的跨界再现学术研讨会, Dec. 2009, 台湾国家妇女馆
2009.12 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN), <人机复合体的身体政治与身份认同:亚洲女性艺术家作品比较> , 2009「『全球化』与华语论述」国际研讨会, Dec. 2009, 亚洲大学
2008.12 Story Teller, Healer, and Mediator: Si, Marlirei’s Documentary Film—And Deliver Us From Evil.” - 2008「『全球化』与华语论述」国际研讨会, Dec. 2008, 亚洲大学
2008.10 <台湾早期移民女性的身体怪诞与离散寓言> , 「2008年杭州海外汉学与中外文化关系与交流国际研讨会」, Oct. 2008, 浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院
2008.06 <空白/意义:车学敬《听写》的女性叙述与视觉阅读> , 第三届外国文学教学国际学术研讨会, Jun. 2008, 亚洲大学外国语文学系
2008.05 <怪物,女神,生化人:亚洲女性艺术家的性别观点与网络基因进化论> , 第三十二届全国比较文学会议, May. 2008, 成功大学外国语文学系
2008.01 The Nomadic Other: Cyborg’s Sex and Internet’s Love in Shu, lea Cheang’s Art. - Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. , Jan. 2008, Hawaii
2007.12 Representation of Taiwanese Aborigine’s Documentary Films on Popular Culture Theories. , Globalization and Chinese Narrations , Dec. 2007, Asia University.
2007.11 Cross the Garden of Empire: Introspection of Post, colonialism on Zarina Bhimji’s Photography. - 2007台湾视觉文化与艺术教育国际学术研讨会:全球化VS去殖民 , Nov. 2007, 台北市立教育大学
2007.10 Post, colonial Imagination and Mimicry Experience in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Dictee - 第五届苗栗县文学学术研讨会 , Oct. 2007, 国立联合大学
2007.06 The Bodily Writing and Healing of Diasporic Asian American Women Artists. , 「亚洲与他者」国际学术研讨会 , Jun. 2007, 国立台湾师范大学
2007.03 Teaching and Studying of Minority Female Writings on Comparative Literature Aspects , 亚洲大学第二届外国文学教学国际学术研讨会, Mar. 2007, 亚洲大学
2004.06 Bodily Experience of Asian American Women’s Movement and Postcolonality: Shu, Lea Cheang’s Internet Art - 交通大学第二届全国研究生会议 , Jun. 2004, 交通大学
课程类别 课程代码 课程名称 年度
大学日间部 46U00009A 西洋文学概论(一) 113
大学日间部 46U00151C 英文作文(六) 113
大学日间部 46U00153A 英诗选读 113
大学日间部 46U00295A 文学与创意思考 113
研究所硕士班 47M00060A 硕士论文 113
年度 名称 全部作者
110 《第三文本的他者形象─亚洲女性艺术家之女性身体塑造与身体意象再现》 张嘉珍
107 《当身为「可贬者」变成一种优势:文本中的精神疾病之譬喻形象与其修辞功能》 施钰珺
101 以异化策略中译并译注芭拉蒂‧穆可杰的《茉莉》 曾文怡