[报名资讯]语发中心招募 106-2 多益/托福/雅思高分 英文教学助教 !

  • 2018-01-30
  • 管理者


We want you!   

We are hiring Teaching Assistants (TAs)!


多益(TOEIC)分数达650分以上者、托福纸笔测验(TOEFL ITP)分数达500分以上者、雅思(IELTS)分数达4.5分以上者     

TOEIC score over 650, TOEFL ITP score over 500 or IELTS score over 4.5


招募助教类别TA Types

英检密集班助教TOEIC/TOEFL Intensive Program

大一大二通识英文课助教General English TA

EZ Talk TA (International students only)


140/hr. (可发服务证明A service certificate can be awarded)


备审资料Application Materials

1.   申请表格Application form (请至本网页下方下载Download the form below

this page)

2.  英检成绩单及相关证明English certificate(s) (official test scores or related


3.  当学期修课课表Class schedule

4.  具其他外语环境工作或行政经验证明者尤佳 Documents of previous working

experience and administrative experience in a multilingual environment.(optional)

申请方式Application Method

请把以上资料寄到cltr@asia.edu.tw 或者交到M201&M204               

Please send application materials to cltr@asia.edu.tw or hand them to M201&M204.


107/3/2 17:00 (以收到之应征资料择优面试 Qualified candidates will be informed for interview.)


Please check the CDLTR website & MOE project website for the latest information, or come to the Language Corridor @ M201&M204 for further questions.


主办单位:语文教学研究发展中心 - 多元文化语境之英文学习革新课程计画

Organizers: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research

 MOE General English Curriculum and Pedagogy Reform Project