[报名资讯] 2017亚大达人秀英文歌唱比赛 报名开始!

  • 2017-10-30



2017 AU’s Got Talent

一、参赛资格/ Eligibility: 亚洲大学在学学生。AU’s Students

二、报名方式/ Registration: 请至语文教学研究发展中心(M204)/国际语文走廊(M201)索取报名表,或至中心网页(http://cltr.asia.edu.tw/)下载,连同音乐档缴交至中心(M204)即可,报名限个人组20人、团体组30组,额满为止。

Send your registration form and your MP3 File to the CDLTR (M204) by Tuesday, December 12th, 17:00. Forms are available at the CDLTR website (http://cltr.asia.edu.tw/). We accept up to 20 individual entries and 30 group entries.

[欲角逐FB最佳人气奖之参赛者,请额外缴交演唱影片档到M204。Those who are interested in competing for“The Most Popular Singer on FB”prize, please also submit your singing video (MP4) to M204.]

三、截止日期/ Registration Deadline: 即日起至12/12(二)下午17:00止。Tue,Dec.12th,17:00

四、FB最佳人气奖评选日期/ Date of voting the Most Popular Singer on FB106/12/13(三)中午12:00开始,于12/19(二)下午17:00截止以按讚人数决定FB最佳人气奖。

The CDLTR will upload the file to CDLTR Facebook page by Dec. 13th , 12:00. Contestants are welcome to share their singing videos on the CDLTR official Facebook page. The Most Popular Singer on FB will be determined by the number of likes received on the CDLTR Facebook page.

五、比赛顺序公布日期/ Date of Announcement for Contest Order of Appearance:12/15(五) Tue.,Dec.15th

六、比赛日期/ Date of Contest: 106/12/20(三),13:30-17:00(13:00报到截止)

Wed.,Dec.20th,13:30-17:00 (Contestants have to report to the reception desk in A101 by 13:00)

七、比赛地点/Venue: A101

八、评分方式/ Judging Criteria:

音色与歌唱技巧/ Vocal & Singing Skills -40%

英语发音与流畅度/ English Pronunciation and Fluency -40%

 台风、造型与演出/ Stage Presence and Costume -20%

九、奖励/ Places:

第一名 奖金3,000元及奖状乙纸 (各组取乙名) 1st Place: NT$3,000 (Individual/group)

第二名 奖金2,000元及奖状乙纸 (各组取乙名) 2nd Place:NT$2,000 (Individual/group)

第三名 奖金1,000元及奖状乙纸 (各组取乙名) 3rd Place: NT$1,000 (Individual/group)

最佳造型奖 奖金500元及奖状乙纸 (取乙名)   Best Costume Award: NT$ 500

最佳表演创意奖 奖金500元及奖状乙纸 (取乙名)  Most Creative Performance: NT$500

FB最佳人气奖 奖金1,000元及奖状乙纸 (取乙名) Most Popular Singer on FB: NT$1,000

入场FREE 还可凭入场券抽精美奖品! 数量有限,请提早排队入场!

Free Entrance! And lots of Raffle Prizes for both contestants and audience!




Organizer: MOE General English Curriculum and Pedagogy Reform Project,

 Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research