We want you!
We are hiring Teaching Assistants!
![这是一张图片 这是一张图片](/uploads/asset/data/65b1ba038ccb5c71d7f0a20c/112-2_%E5%8A%A9%E6%95%99%E6%8B%9B%E5%8B%9F%E6%B5%B7%E5%A0%B1.png)
招募资格Eligibility | 多益分数达700分以上、托福纸笔测验分数达515分以上或雅思分数达5.0分以上者 TOEIC score over 700, TOEFL ITP score over 515 or IELTS score over 5.0 |
助教类别 TA Types |
英检密集班助教TOEIC/TOEFL Intensive Program TA |
通识英文助教General English TA | |
EZ Talk TA (International students only) | |
时薪 Payment |
183元/hr. (可发服务证明A service certificate can be awarded) |
申请资料 Application Materials |
申请方式 Application Method |
请把以上资料寄到cltr@asia.edu.tw Please send the application to cltr@asia.edu.tw. |
截止时间Deadline | Friday, February 23rd, 2024, 12:00 PM (以收到之应征资料择优面试 Qualified candidates will be informed for interview.) |
For further questions, please email to cltr@asia.edu.tw, or visit our office @M201.