[比赛公告] 112-2 创意戏剧影片比赛 报名日期: 4/29 (一)-5/24 (五)

  • 2024-04-16
  • 管理者

创意戏剧影片比赛 Drama Video Contest
Speak, Act, Create!


 参赛资格 Qualifications

亚洲大学大学部修习通识英文课程学生 Undergraduate students of EGP and EGSP Courses 

 比赛主题 Contest Theme

Speak, Act, Create!

 重要日程 Important Dates

 征稿日期 Call for Works:4/29 (一)-5/24 (五)下午五时
 公布结果 Result Announcement::6/7 (五)
 颁奖典礼 Award Ceremony:6/12 (三)

 比赛规定 Regulations
  1. 比赛分为国际组(含外文系、境外生及大一共通英语文AU1、AU2班级学生与大二共通专业英语文高级班学生,建议多益600分以上报名)与国内组(大一共通英语文AU3-AU5班级学生、大二共通专业英语文中级班学生) 
    The contest contains two groups: 1. International group (DFLL students, international students taking General English or EGSP courses, General English AU1&AU2 level students and EGSP – Advanced level students) and 2. Local group (General English AU3, AU4 and AU5 level students and EGSP – Intermediate level students). Students who got a TOEIC score over 600 should join International group.
  2. 参与者需分成2-5人一组,透过演出所选的对话剧本之一,展现他们的口语表达、表演能力和创造力。这些剧本包含2-3个角色进行对话。
    Participants, grouped in 2-5 members, are required to present their speaking, acting abilities, and creativity by performing one of the selected dialogue scripts, which involves 2-3 characters engaging in conversation.

     指定剧本 Dialogue Script: https://reurl.cc/nrAo0d

    * 参与者可以在所选的剧本中添加至多8行对话或编辑一些内容。并可更改人物名称和词汇。
       Participants can add a maximum of 8 lines information or edit something in the conversation. Changing characters’ name and vocabulary is allowed.
  3. 参与者必须将他们的对话表现录制成影片,确保影片时长在2至2.5分钟的范围内。
    Participants must capture their dialogue performance on video, ensuring that the film duration falls within the range of 2-2.5 minutes.
  4. 所有小组成员未强制参与演出。
    Participation in acting is not mandatory for all group members. 
  5. 鼓励参与者使用道具、化妆、服装、音效和场景设置,以提升对话演出的效果。
    Creativity is encouraged, and participants are welcome to utilize props, makeup, costumes, sound effects and scene settings to enhance the overall presentation of their dialogue. 
  6. 影片中不得出现低头看剧本或是讲稿的画面。
    The video cannot show participants looking down to read scripts. 
  7. 一个组最多缴交一支影片,一位参赛者不得跨两组参赛。
    Each group can submit only one work. A participant cannot join multiple groups for the contest. 
  8. 通识英文课程教师得推荐每班最多5组同学参赛。
    EGP or EGSP Instructors can recommend up to 5 groups per class to register the contest.

 采网络报名,步骤如下 Online Registration, please follow the following steps

  1. 由语发中心网页(http://cltr.asia.edu.tw)至线上报名连结填写参赛资料(需google帐户登入)。
    Go to the registration link and fill in register information. (you need to log in with your google account) 
  2. 于报名页面云端上传影片连结。影片一律上传至YouTube,标题为「创意戏剧影片比赛-(自订题目)」。
    Upload your completed video to YouTube and submit the link; the title page and the title should be “Drama Video Contest-___________(your own title)”. 

报名连结 Registration Link:https://reurl.cc/4jbdQR 


 注意事项 Notification

  1. 本比赛为EFL比赛,如母语为英文之学生,则不符合参赛资格,无法参加比赛。
    Since this is an EFL contest and the focus is to motivate students who live in countries where English is a foreign language, if participants come from a country where one of the official languages is English (or the participant has a passport from a country where English is an official language), that student cannot participate in the contest.
  2. 参赛者于参加此竞赛同时,即同意接受上述各项规范,本活动办法若有未尽事宜,主办单位保有随时修改、变更之权利并公告于中心网站上。若遇争议,经本活动评审团会议决议,迳由主办单位公告实施。
    If there is any dispute regarding the regulations, the judges will have a meeting for resolution, and the decisions and revised regulations will be announced by the organizer online. 
  3. 如于审查期间,发现影片引用之图、音乐有抄袭之嫌,即取消比赛资格。
    If during the review period, it is found that the images or music referenced in the video are suspected of plagiarism, the participant's eligibility in the competition will be revoked.
  4. 若得奖者经主办单位发现影片引用之图、音乐有抄袭之嫌,即取消得奖资格并收回奖金。
    If the winner is found by the organizing committee to have referenced images or music in the video that are suspected of plagiarism, the winner's qualification will be revoked, and any prize money awarded will be reclaimed.
  5. 如经审查发现影片涉及侵害他人名誉,或包含色情、暴力或有碍社会风气之演出,主办单位有权终止该作品参赛权。
    Should the judges identify any content in the film that damages another individual's reputation or includes disturbing acts such as violence, nudity, or sexual content, the submission will be disqualified.
  6. 请参赛者注意比赛规定,如在比赛期间缴交之作品不符规定,将无法进入评选。
    Participants please be careful with the contest regulations. If the work does not follow the regulations, the work won’t be accepted for judgement.

 评分标准 Criteria

项目 Item  说明 Description 占比 Percentage
Intelligibility and accuracy of pronunciation and speaking
Creativity shown in the acting, markup, styling, props making and scene setting
Video making
The overall quality of the video and the editing

 奖励办法 Prizes

Each Group will have 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize and 1 outstanding award.
第一名:奖金 5,000 元,奖状乙纸。First prize: NT$ 5,000 & certificates.
第二名:奖金 2,500 元,奖状乙。Second prize: NT$ 2,500 & certificates.
第三名:奖金 1,000 元,奖状乙。Third prize: NT$ 1,000 & certificates.
佳作一名:奖金 500 元,奖状乙。Outstanding award: NT$500 & certificates.

If there are questions, ask CDLTR staff at M201 in person.

Organizer: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research 
Co-organizer: MOE Office of Higher Education Sprout Project, The BEST Program