[演讲公告] 04/26(五) 10:10-12:00 讲题:东协广场/毕拉密及其周边:谈一场课程田野之旅

  • 2019-03-19


 Taichung ASEAN Plaza/ Rock n' Roll Pyramid Project:  A Field Trip Journey


讲者/ Speaker:刘堉珊 老师 Dr. Yu-Shan Liu 

国立暨南国际大学 东南亚学系 助理教授

Assistant Professor, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University

东南亚研究中心 研究团队

Staff, Center for Southeast Asian Studies

南方时验室 「摇滚毕拉密」课程讲师

Lecture, Rock n' Roll Pyramid Project, Taichung ASEAN Plaza


时间/ Time:04/26()  10:10-12:00    Fri., Apr. 26th 10:10-12:00

地点/ Venue:M001 


This lecture has applied for credits for a General Education Seminar, please bring your student ID card to enter the lecture.



Organizer: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research, International College