111-1 学生英语学习讲座
讲题/Topic: 掌握职场英语学习诀窍 Get the Hands of Learning Business English
讲师/Speaker: 简宜榛 Agnes
-美国加利福尼亚大学河滨分校(University of California, Riverside)英语教学认证
日期/Date: 11月18日(五) Friday, Nov. 18
时间/Time: 10:10~12:00
地点/Venue: M001
报名时间 Registration Time: 2022/11/10-2022/11/17
线上报名 Online Registration:https://webap.asia.edu.tw/cfd2020/#/login
This lecture has applied for credits for a General Education Seminar.
Priority entrance will be given to pre-registered participants, and for those who arrive late over 10 minutes, their seats will be open for waitlisted participants.
Preventing the spread of COVID-19, all participants are required to follow epidemic prevention measures.
Organizer: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research
Co-organizer: Office of Higher Education Sprout Project