[演讲公告]10/18(五) 10:10~12:00 谁是台湾最好的风景?东南亚移工与台湾社会超现实

  • 2019-09-24


Topic: What Is the Most “Beautiful” Scenery of Taiwan? Sur/real Experience of Southeast Asian Migrant Workers in Taiwan Society

讲者/ Speaker:张春炎 老师 Dr. Chun-Yan Chang

国立暨南国际大学 东南亚学系 助理教授

Assistant Professor, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University

时间/ Time10/18()  10:10-12:00    Fri., Oct. 18th 10:10-12:00

地点/ VenueA101


This lecture has applied for credits for a General Education Seminar, please bring your student ID card to enter the lecture.


Organizer: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research, International College