[课程公告]108-2 印尼文/越南文/泰文/韩文 开课了!


印尼文/越南文/泰文/韩文 开课了!

Join us for the Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai and Korean Language Courses




  • 选课方式 How to sign-up for the courses


Sign-up via school course selection system.

招生对象 Students

  1. 已抵免通识英文课程之学生

Students who waived General English courses

  1. 就读学院系开设东南亚相关课程或参与相关之产学研究案

Students who are interested in Southeast Asian studies or university-industry collaborative research projects

  1. 本校大学部、硕士班、博士班及在职专班学生对学习第二外语有兴趣者

Undergraduates, graduate students, or students enrolled in continuing education programs who are interested in Asian languages & cultures

  1. 修习本校第二外语课程同学,将优先参与暑期姊妹校交换计画,请有意参加交换甄选同学修习本门课程。

Students who enrolled these courses have the priority for joining summer international student exchange programs. Students who would like to apply for international exchange programs should consider taking the courses.


For further information, please refer to the Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research website or visit its office at M201