【语发中心 - 公告】[国际语文走廊]12/14 欢乐庆圣诞活动

  • 2015-11-30


[Language Corridor] Christmas Fun is coming!


活动一: 圣诞派对,邀你许下圣诞心愿 Christmas Party- Make a Wish

日期 (Date): Mon, 12/14/2015

时间 (Time) :17:00~19:00


精彩活动 Fun Activities to join:

l   [心愿大声说]: 将心愿用英文写在小卡上并上台唸出,参与者可得到100元礼卷(限前60名同学)
[Make a Wish]: Write down a wish and read it out on the stage. Participants will receive a 100 NT.gift card. (limited to the first 60 participants) 

l   [红绿主题派对]:本派对以红/绿色为主题,请穿着或佩戴红绿色配件
[Dress code]: Dress in red or green or use red or green accessories.

l   [圣诞大餐]:丰富餐点免费取用
[Christmas Dinner]: Free Christmas Buffet

l   [圣诞歌曲表演]:现场圣诞歌曲演唱
[Christmas Carols]: Live performance


活动流程 Timetable:


l   活动开始- 圣诞表演 Christmas songs performances

l   [心愿大声说]参与者登记 [Make a Wish] Activity signing up


校长致词 President’s speech

17:35~ 17:40

点灯仪式Christmas tree lightening


[圣诞歌曲表演][Christmas Carols]


[心愿大声说] [Make a Wish]


[圣诞大餐] [Christmas Dinner]


活动二: 欢庆圣诞 幸福集卡 Corridor Card Collecting Contest

日期 (Date): 12/1- 01/04



凡于12月参加走廊活动(Topic TalkEZ TalkWriting Clinic、线上学习1 hr、桌游1hr) 均可获得一张Corridor 小卡

How to collect Corridor Cards:

Students who participate in activities in the Corridor can get a Corridor card.

1. 30 名集满10Corridor 小卡者,可至M201换取200元礼卷,送完为止

2. 0106日抽出5位本月参与活动之学生,送出500元礼卷 (以填写走廊使用问卷者为抽奖名单)


  1. The first 30 students who collect 10 cards will receive a 200 NT. gift card.
  2. 5 prizes (with a 500 NT. gift card) will be given to students who attended corridor activities this month. (lucky draw list will be based on students who fill in the user survey)