[報名資訊]語發中心招募 106-2 多益/托福/雅思高分 英文教學助教 !

  • 2018-01-30
  • 管理者


We want you!   

We are hiring Teaching Assistants (TAs)!


多益(TOEIC)分數達650分以上者、托福紙筆測驗(TOEFL ITP)分數達500分以上者、雅思(IELTS)分數達4.5分以上者     

TOEIC score over 650, TOEFL ITP score over 500 or IELTS score over 4.5


招募助教類別TA Types

英檢密集班助教TOEIC/TOEFL Intensive Program

大一大二通識英文課助教General English TA

EZ Talk TA (International students only)


140/hr. (可發服務證明A service certificate can be awarded)


備審資料Application Materials

1.   申請表格Application form (請至本網頁下方下載Download the form below

this page)

2.  英檢成績單及相關證明English certificate(s) (official test scores or related


3.  當學期修課課表Class schedule

4.  具其他外語環境工作或行政經驗證明者尤佳 Documents of previous working

experience and administrative experience in a multilingual environment.(optional)

申請方式Application Method

請把以上資料寄到cltr@asia.edu.tw 或者交到M201&M204               

Please send application materials to cltr@asia.edu.tw or hand them to M201&M204.


107/3/2 17:00 (以收到之應徵資料擇優面試 Qualified candidates will be informed for interview.)


Please check the CDLTR website & MOE project website for the latest information, or come to the Language Corridor @ M201&M204 for further questions.


主辦單位:語文教學研究發展中心 - 多元文化語境之英文學習革新課程計畫

Organizers: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research

 MOE General English Curriculum and Pedagogy Reform Project