[Contest] English Presentation Contest Entry Deadline Postponed until Dec. 1st (Tue.)

  • 2020-11-27
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PBL Outcome Exhibition

109學年度第1學期    PBL成果展現:英語簡報比賽

l  日期/Date: Wed., Dec. 16th, 2020

l  時間/Time: 13:00~16:30

l  地點/Venue: A115國際組 (International group)A116國內組 (Local group)

l  簡報主題/Topics: Post-pandemic, New Life

In 2020, the outbreak of Covid-19 has brought out not only a great number of deaths but also different life styles and social practices, such as, distant learning, work from home, change of social distancing.

*    Your presentation could be organized from several perspectives, for example,

1.      What have you experienced since the pandemic happened?    

2.      How has your life changed after the outbreak of Covid-19?

3.      How would you perceive these changes?

4.      What do you think may happen after the pandemic?

l   初賽報名期限/Deadline:


Participants have to submi10-12  PowerPoint slides file and fill in the online registration at http://forms.gle/JuRx82eYkmARA3hx8 by Tue., Dec 1st, 5 pm.


The judges will do a first round evaluation by examining the PowerPoint slides. Students with better performance will be selected for the final round.

         報名網址/Sign-up Link: https://forms.gle/JuRx82eYkmARA3hx8

l  獎勵辦法/Prizes分兩組評選 Each Group will have 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize and 2 Outstanding Awards.


First prize: NT$ 5,000 & certificates. https://forms.gle/nyWub2obR9hpqtKi8


Second prize: NT$ 3,000 & certificates.


Third prize: NT$ 1,000 & certificates.


Outstanding Award: NT$500 & certificates


l   報名辦法 Registration:

1.   比賽分為國際組(含外文系大一、大三、大四生、境外生、通識英文AU1,AU2學生及大二EGSP課程高級班學生及多益600分以上報名)國內組 (通識英文AU3, AU4, AU5及大二EGSP課程中級班學生),請依照各組成員中英語文程度最高者填寫,若填寫不實將依棄權辦理。

The contest contains 1. International group (DFLL Freshman, Junior and Senior, foreign students who take General English courses, Freshman AU1&2, Sophomore EGSP-Advanced level are included) and 2. Local group (General English AU3, AU4 and AU5 students and Sophomore EGSP intermediate level students are included). Students who have a TOEIC score over 600 should join international group.


2.   欲報名參加請於12/1(二)下午5點前完成線上報名及上傳PPT簡報檔 (http://forms.gle/JuRx82eYkmARA3hx8)

      Participants have to submit the PowerPoint slides file and fill in the online registration at http://forms.gle/JuRx82eYkmARA3hx8 by Tue., Dec. 1st, 5pm.

3.   初賽通過者將於12/7()公告於語發中心網站以及國際語文走廊門口。

Entry list for the final round will be announced on the website & office on Mon., Dec. 7th

4.   決賽日期為12/16(),將分組上台進行口頭簡報,須抽換簡報PPT的組別,請於12/16()12:00以前抽換。

Final round is on Wed., Dec. 16th. Each group should do an oral presentation on stage. If participants want to update the PowerPoint slides, please submit the new PowerPoint slides to CDLTR before Wed., Dec. 16th, 12:00 pm.

5.   本比賽為EFL學生比賽,如隊員中包含母語為英文之參賽者,則不符合參賽資格,無法參加比賽。

      Since this is an EFL contest and the focus is to motivate students who live in countries where English is a foreign language, if participants come from a country where one of the official languages is English (or the participant has a passport from a country where English is an official language), that student cannot participate in the contest.

l   比賽方式/ Scope:

  1. 決審參賽隊伍於安排時間進行現場英文簡報,每組簡報時間以6-8分鐘為限。時間超過或未達要求,將扣分。進行簡報時,大會將於第五分半鐘時響一次鈴,第七分鐘時響兩次鈴,第八分鐘時響三次鈴提醒。鈴響三次表示時間已到,主持人將要求隊伍停止報告並下台。

Each team will give a presentation at the scheduled time and each presentation should last 6 to 8 minutes. Points will be deducted if the presentation does not reach/end within the time limit. The bell will ring once when the presentation reaches the 5 and a half minute mark, twice at the 7th minute mark, and three times at the 8th minute. After the 8th minute mark, the host will end the presentation and ask presenters to leave the stage.

  1. 本競賽為團體競賽,每隊3-7人參加(不接受個人參賽),隊員不須全部上台簡報。

This is a team contest. Students must form a team of 3 to 7 members. Not all team members are required to present on stage.

  1. PowerPoint投影片輔助進行簡報。投影片必須由參賽者自行製作,並確認簡報中引用的圖片及文章來源,避免版權爭議。建議參賽者自備提示小卡,不建議直接宣讀PowerPoint檔內容。

It is required to use the PowerPoint to facilitate the presentation. Slides must be created by participants, ideally their original work; please list the references for photos and information shown in slides to avoid copyright infringement. We encourage participants to glance at notes occasionally instead of reading content in slides.



l   評分方式/ Judging Criteria:


first round

簡報內容 50%

PTT’s Content  50%

英文使用正確度  30%

Language Accuracy  30%

設計與創意  20%

Design & Creativity  20%


final round

簡報內容 30%

PTT’s Content  30%

英語發音與流暢度   40%

English Pronunciation and Fluency  40%

上台表現   30%

Performance  30%



Organizer: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research, International College


Co-organizers: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature、MOE Sprout Project