
Title Date
[Activity]106 Pre-Arrival Program
[Activity] 05/08-05/12 Culture Festival ---- Malaysia Week
[Student Lecture] 5/3 (Wed) 15:10-17:00 Topic: Association between Western Culture, Arts and Coffee
[Contest] Registration Information of 105-2 English short video contest
[Activity] Philippine Week will start from 3/27 to 3/31!!
[Activity] 105-2 Topic Talk begins from Mar. 13th (Mon.)
[Lecture]3/22 (Wed) 15:00-17:00 IELTS-Test Encouragement 擁抱雅思,胸懷世界
[105-2 Teaching Workshop] 3/29 (Wed.) My Experience of Studying in the Philippines – It’s Easy & Fun to Learn English!
[Activity]2017 Student Seminar on 2017 Youth Ambassador
[Activity] English Writing Clinic Starts on Mar. 13th, 2017!
[Registration notice]105-2 英語證照密集班開始報名囉~
[Workshop Lecture] Teaching Development Workshop- 03/16 ESP/EGSP Curriculum Design
[Contest result] the list of Winners for AU's Got Talent
[Contest] AU's Got Talent-list for the order for AU's Got Talent final round
[Student Lecture]12/28 A Priceless Life Experience: Dairies of Our Free Europe Trip While Working for Food and Accommodations
[Activitiy] Culture Festival-Indonesia Festival
[Activity] AU's got Talent
[Student Lecture] 12/23 Board Game Time : Let’s Play & Learn Some English
[Student Lecture]Professional Development Workshop-11/24 On the Design and Management of Distance Learning Courses
[Activity] 11/16 ENGLISH PRESENTATION CONTEST starting from now!