決賽地點 Venue:國際組 International Group-A115、國內組 Local Group-A116
| 入圍決賽隊伍請於比賽當天 12:30-13:00 攜帶學生證至決賽指定地點報到。
Finalists must check in with their own student ID cards at 12:30-13:00 on the day of the final.
| 欲異動決賽簡報檔者,請於 113 年 12 月 3 日(二)中午12點前寄至: cltr@asia.edu.tw
(郵件主旨: 英語簡報比賽簡報抽換-組長姓名)
If participants want to update the PowerPoint slides, please submit the new file to cltr@asia.edu.tw before Tue., Dec. 3, 12:00 p.m.
(subject: PowerPoint Slides Update-Name of Team Leader)
| 入圍決賽名單如下 Finalists of English Presentation Contest:
國際組 International Group
# | 簡報主題 Topic | 參賽人員 Member |
1 | Gen AI and the Future Education | 劉怡安、曾俞晴、吳依錡、黃資琇 |
2 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 呂庭萱、李富益、劉映里、劉宥均、婁丞妤 |
3 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 蔡聿純、王先蕙、林依澄、鄧忻茹 |
4 | Gen AI and the Future of Education in Social Work | 黃于庭、何姵嫻、顧韋綸、林城瑀、賴彥甫 |
5 | Gen AI and the Future of Education: PLaySmart AI and Educational Robots | 林千珈、鄭凱心、邱捷如、陳薇安、戴羽婕 |
6 | GenAI and the Future of Early Childhood Education | 陳亮羽、莊芮瑜、陳怡蓁、王明珠 |
7 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 歐宛蓁、蔡珮文、林靖琦 |
8 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 許仕達、沈曜廷 |
9 | GenAI and the Future of Early Childhood Education | 羅昱袽、曾于玲、曾勻宣、黃芷涵 |
10 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 洪志龍、Siyabonga Gwebu、張峻嘉 |
11 | Is Using ChatGPT for School Cheating or a New Form of learning? | 林瀚桁、李翌安 |
12 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 王鈺婷、楊舒閔 |
13 | AI Tutors Human Teacher: how Gen AI Will Blend the Best of Both Education World | Abdullah、Najla Azalia Sahrie、Muhammad Reza Pahlevi Sulthon |
14 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | Kayleen Petrina Margono、Matilda Maureen Koban、Rizkylla Prasista Yusuf、Putri Kusuma Wardhani |
15 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 黃宜姵、廖翎安、王庭儀、游晴葳 |
16 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 林靖閎、黃貞雅、孫靖雯、周相宇、鍾承憲、彭敬耀 |
17 | Gen AI & the Future of Education | 王怡蓁、陳姵璇、林定璿、趙倖仟 |
18 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 王郁斐、林欣妘 |
19 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 張霈蕎、許云甄、馬瑞妤、王悠希、鍾佳倖 |
20 | Generative AI and the Future of Education | 張琦、李思諳、張菀詞、Ho Tran Phuong Vy |
國內組 Local Group |
# | 簡報主題 Topic | 參賽人員 Member |
1 | Experience with AI APP in Learning English | 游於藝、黃宸誼、黃欣美 |
2 | The Impact of GenAI on Students in Education | 洪祺凱、張博閔、吳易叡、陳亮羽 |
3 | How AI Will Change the Future of Learning | 蔡旻佐、蘇子涵 |
4 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 彭靖雯、邱品慈、汪兆恩、丁勻宣、林秋岑、莊幃全 |
5 | The Future of Generative AI in Education | 紀韋莛、張詠順、倪銘忠、彭妤婕、王鐿芩、江芷瑜 |
6 | Advantages and Disadvantages of Using AI in Nursing | 王思媛、魏綉諠、何宗郁、王霈甄 |
7 | AI-assisted, Better Personalized Learning | 曾怡瑄、陳亮彤、王可雯、鄭宜婷 |
8 | How Good is AI for DMD | 何芯妤、王怡卉 |
9 | Gen AI in University Course | 蘇妍芸、江丞翎、邱安妤、郭紀勳 |
10 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 黃靖植、李庭瑄、許甄芸、林均彥、陳冠綸 |
11 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 賴靖玟、賴仕宸、萬承翰、李宜貞 |
12 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 侯乃慈、曾翊晴、王靖惠、吳彥蓁 |
13 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 柯㦤涵、黃以薰、楊舒茗、趙心珮、江雨瑄、李婷鈺 |
14 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 張富之、林冠丞 |
15 | The Impact of AI Technology on Children's Screen Time | 呂淯甄、盧柏彣 |
16 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 錢介梅、張瓊方、張嘉芯 |
17 | User Experience with a Generative AI Application in Learning | 陳佳儀、徐珮瑜、楊鎔羽 |
18 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 李嗣香、林俞涵、鄭艾侖 |
19 | Generative AI and the Future of Education | 李洺儀、張廷遠 |
20 | Gen AI and the Future of Education | 賴泓邑、蔡勝庸、蕭來發、李宥甫、黃琪珺、楊承騏 |